Consultant and Developer

Family Name: Manning
First names: Terrence Edward
Birth: Wellington, New Zealand 21st July 1942
Nationality: New Zealand
Marital status: Married, with two adult children


Schoener 50
1771 ED Wieringerwerf
Netherlands (Direct) Tel: 0031-227-604128
E-Mail : manning (at) ; bakensverzet(at)

Skype : temanning


Bachelor of Laws (LL.B).
Victoria University of Wellington (NZ), 1964.

Short summary:

Terry Manning is a New Zealand lawyer. He is married with Janna Moerland (born in the Wieringermeer, Netherlands) and has two adult sons.

He worked for 25 years in Italy where he was directly involved with the development of innovative pumping technologies for the world’s poor and in particular the spring rebound inertia hand pump technology and the solar submersible horizontal axis piston pump technology.

For family reasons, he has been living in the Netherlands since 1993.

His observations of the world of development (the “aid industry”) were such that he decided it had to be possible for even the poorest to self-finance their own basic development.

After many years of self-financed work, he has succeeded in moulding an original combination of social, financial, productive and services structures into a Model for self-financing integrated development suitable for general application in rural and poor urban areas.

Terry Manning has placed his life’s work in the public domain, where it is managed in the public interest through Stichting Bakens Verzet (NGO Another Way) of which he is director.

Stichting Bakens Verzet was set up to promote the continuity of Terry Manning’s work.

Internet search engines recognise the website  as a leading resource on integrated development for the world’s poor and a wide range of development related issues.


1993-2013 Netherlands
1968-1992 Italy
1966-1967 New Zealand
1964-1966 France, Netherlands, Sweden

1942-1964 New Zealand

Professional activity:

2013- Detailed proposals for a Transition Town in the Wieringermeer.

2013- Edit analysis of a Positive Money (U.K.) reform proposal.

2013- Editing review version 2 of Benes and Kumhof paper.

2012- Editing an analysis of a proposal by Benes and Kumhof  “The Chicago Plan Revisited.

2012-2013 Detailed proposals on seminar for setting up faculties in integrated development studies, RD Congo.

2011-2013 Detailed proposals for seminars in integrated development, Nigeria.

2010- Seminar integrated development, APESS, Burking Faso.

2010- Diploma in Integrated Development Studies in English. 

2009-2013 Extended work on advanced monetary reform.

2009-2010 Drafting  post-masters’ course for Diploma in Integrated Development Studies in French.

2009- Draft proposal for the Barisal District Plan, Bangladesh.

2009- Draft proposal for the integrated development of Katanga Province, RD Congo.

2009- Draft proposal for national integrated development plan Gabon.

2009- Draft proposal for the integrated development of Northern and Western regions of Burkina Faso.

2009- Draft Vivons Makalondi project, Niger.

2009- Draft proposal for development South Kivu district, R.D.Congo.

2008- Draft proposal for the integrated development of the Estern Province, Cameroon.

2008- Draft proposal for national integrated development plan, Niger.

2008- Draft proposal for integrated development plan for the Eastern Province, Kenya.

2006-2013 Coordination and maintenance of website

2006 Drafting Elanyo Yoto 10  and the Elanyo Yoto 11 integrated development projects for Togo.

2006 Drafting submission for EU-ACP Water Facility.

2005 Draft Koulikoro integrated development project, Mali.

2005 Formation Stichting Bakens Verzet
2005 Project development “Whyknots” Knots boards
2002-2005 Project leader Senter project TSOM 1013 “Beosite handpumps” for local manufacture in developing countries
2004 Corrective phonetics course (18 lessons) prepared for Dutch students of English
2004 Intensive tense training course prepared for English language students(16 lessons)
2004 The auxiliary game 7 lessons for English language students
2004 Short course (12 lessons) on local money systems (currently in Dutch, can be made available in English)
2004 The fight against poverty- modern concepts of development aid – course 15 lessons (currently in Dutch, but can be made available in English)
2004 Development structures and technologies  (course 21 lessons)

1993-2005 intensive work on a Model for self-financing integrated development for the world’s poor.

1990-2002 (with Italian partners) the solar submersible horizontal axis piston pump technology.

1991-1992 Consultant re-organisation of Rasini & Vigano insurance brokers (branch leaders) in Milan.

1990 Inlingua School Milan – intensive drilling in the English language for managers going abroad.

1980-1989 Development (with Italian partners) of the spring rebound inertia hand pump technology.

1983-1991 Self-written and managed English language courses for primary school groups, intermediate school groups and adult groups (public library initiative). 1976-1980 Purchasing agent for French mail order company.

1972-1976 Assistant to Central Manager of Riunione Adriatica di Sicurta (second insurance group in Italy).

1970-1971 English language teaching, Italy, British Council in Milan.

1969-1970 English language teaching Cambridge School, Milan.

1966-1968 Practice as solicitor, Hogg Gillespie Carter and Oakley, Lower Hutt, NZ.

1965-(summer) English language teaching with the British Council – Sweden.

1964-1965 English language assistant Lycee Rotrou, Dreux, France.

1964-1966 Worked way around the continent of Europe, mostly in France and Sweden.

1959-1963 Legal studies and work with the Legal Branch of the Ministry of Works in Wellington, New Zealand.


Fluent :

English : mother tongue.

Italian : (25 years residence in Italy)/

French: Regular practical use (reading, spoken, and written) since 1964.

Dutch : Fluent (20 years of residence in the Netherlands).

Reading knowledge:



Numerous papers and articles on advanced pumping technologies and integrated development throughout the world


Creation of public libraries (Italy);

School administration (Italy);

Library administration (Italy)

Music (classical);

Internet (LinkedIn) debates on water, sanitation, poverty alleviation, development and monetary reform issues in general;

Alternative finance systems.

Organic gardening