Quarter 2. Section B :  Solutions To The  Problems

E-course : Diploma in Integrated Development (Dip. Int. Dev.)

Edition 01: 06 November, 2009


Third  block :  Solutions to the problems.

Section 1 : Anthropological analysis of the three levels of structures.

Section 2 : Division of  responsibilities amongst the three levels of  structures.

Quarter 2.

Fourth block: The structures to be created.

Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.

Section 2: Social structures.

Section 3: Financial structures.

Section 4: Productive structures.

Section 5: Service structures.

Fifth block : How the structures from the fourth block solve specific problems.

Section 1: Women’s rights.

Section 2: Capacity building.

Section 3: Credit crisis.

Section 4: Food security.

Section 5: Sustainability.

Section 6: Corruption.

Section 7: Water and sanitation.

Section 8: Millennium Goals.

Section 9: Political implications.

Fourth block :  Section 1. Justification of the order of sequence for the creation of the structures.

Fourth  block : The structures to be created.

Course Content

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Course Includes

  • 22 Lessons
  • 84 Topics